little baby ducks
old pick-up trucks
slow movin trains
and rain.
i want to compile a list of all the things the witless death god wastes his inexhaustible energy on.. (other than resisting the temptation to save starving children or protect them from pedos).
the first thing jehoobie hates on my list (at least since the coraline dvd for witless kids/victims).
little baby ducks
old pick-up trucks
slow movin trains
and rain.
i just heard this directly from a circuit heavyweight i had the displeasure of conversing with recently.
he and i got into a little bit of a heated conversation about following the direction of the slave as related to education, and he used the example of bethelites being prohibited from having fully shaved heads.
he was taken aback when i expressed how utterly ridiculous such a policy was/is.
Shaved heads make householders think you are involved in student revolt.
hi guys,.
i call myself a lurker, but it's really been a short time since i've known about this's only been five days.
i discovered this site while doing personal research on the topics of porneia, oral sex, and mutual masturbation, and found a thread on this site about it.
You were appointed as a MS while attending college?
greetings, technologically-advanced members:.
would you kindly identify and explain the use of today's electronic devices whose true names and separate/identical/overlapping functions i have difficulty understanding: smart phones, i-pods, androids (?
The use of seperate iPods/music players (as well as the trend away from keeping music as files on your own device and more toward simply listening to such music from the 'cloud' or internet radio services), digital cameras, and gps have fallen off dramatically since their usage has been integrated into smartphones.
The better current smartphones contain a more than adequate point and shoot digital camera.
A smartphone allows you to immediately share/post an image with anyone online or with a similar device.
It also allows access to a world of apps, or applications, that perform specific functions. Popular apps include those for music, social networking, sharing your location with others, checking the weather, scanning barcodes in stores for price comparison, reading books, ordering lunch, allowing an individual to accept credit card payments, and of course, games.
the rest of that song is completely trash, but you have to admit that part where the beat changes and it gets all serious business.
i mean it goes from yellow canaries to godzilla in a flash and you can't help but to get into it.
leave it to the wt to not capitalize on the part that's actually good.
I always hated the lyrics to that song
here is a very good documentary you all might like i thought it was very good and informative..
I guess this had to be made after 1993, but it looks like it was made in 1983...
Seinfeld moment..."who AARE these people?"
i've been intellectually awake for about three years now.
it's taken me time but i've figured out an exit strategy to leave the jw's as frictionless as possible.
it's impossible to leave with my dignity in tact but, leaving will be worth it.
where does he say he will be mooching off his parents? I didn't even see his age in this post.
he also didn't say he would be pretending to be a witness during this time.
my mil's circuit assembly was this past weekend.
she came over for dinner to our home after the assembly.
in conversation, it came up that a known pedophile was seen walking to the bathroom holding a young boy's hand-no relation to the boy at all, although that wouldn't make a difference!
QE, so is this 'James' guy reinstated?
kool-aid man, is your plan to protest the memorial still in play?
are you mia?.
Found him.
There...are...FOUR! THREADS!